Apps to the Rescue: Helping Students Conquer Executive Function Weaknesses


Course Description

Course Description:

Executive function skills (EFS) are essential life-long skills that are critical for academic and social growth. When students lack these skills, they struggle to: pay attention, complete assignments, follow multi-step directions, engage in appropriate social behaviors, exhibit anti-social behaviors, foresee consequences, recall information, and get started on a task. Speech-language pathologists often seem to unknowingly address impairments in EFS with their clients as they utilize behavior management techniques through visual aids, auditory cues, and verbal redirection. This session will provide an understanding of EFS, EFS treatments in therapy, and digital solutions to enhance executive functioning in students across all age ranges. Experienced practitioners will guide participants through apps that help curb behavioral issues, address attention issues, and get students to complete tasks in a timely manner.

Contact Hours: 3
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Beginner